Been looking for something fun and low impact to help you get a bit more movement in your life?
Maybe you’re just after a body-positive exercise class.
Need some connection with other people while you are sheltering at home during the virus? Or don’t want to return to in-studio classes just yet.
Maybe you need somewhere where you can bust out some dance moves.
Well, I’ve got great news for you. BELLY DANCE can do all of these things!
Not just a staple for the middle eastern restaurants, belly dance is:
- An amazing low impact way to get moving
- Able to be done by anyone of any body shape, age or fitness level
- A great alternative to cardio classes at the gym
- Useful in everyday life as you never know when an instant dance party is going to appear!
What do we do in belly dance class?
Let me help you peek behind the curtain:
- First, we warm up our bodies and push the day out of our minds.
- Next, we will explore how to move our bodies with some simple repetitions to really help you get the moves.
- Then we do a little combo to put together the moves you just learned to some funky songs.
- Lastly, we do a quick cool down before we return the world.
It’s such a fun class that you won’t know why you hadn’t tried it before!
Who is belly dance classes good for?
This class is for everyone. Don’t believe me? Let’s see….
- Never ever danced (not even a session of lounge room disco)? Come see what you’ve been missing.
- Been dancing since you were 3yo? Love it, come see what we do.
- Too old (physical or mentally)? Not for this. Discover what you can do any any age.
- Can’t run/jog/hate the gym? Us too! That’s why we dance!
- Too fat / thin / got a booty or boobs? Congratulations, you have a body, just like us! Come and see what it can do!
- Introvert? It’s ok, we don’t talk much, we all just want to dance!
- Got kids? Us too. Trust me you deserve this.
- Have 2 left hips / left feet / no coordination? We’ve all been there (seriously!). Belly dancing promotes coordination and positive mental health.
- Human? Yup. It’s an affliction many of us have. Good thing dance is for humans.
Private Classes$60.00
Online Just Dance Belly Dance Class$10.00 – $75.00