As a part of the belly dance hack posts, you’ve seen what’s in my gig bag, but that’s not the only bag that is important to me. Just as important is what is in the bag(s) I take when I teach a class.

1. Dance Props
Some things may come and go, but something I will generally always carry is some of my dancing props. Like my finger cymbals (never far from my side ever) and veil. Sometimes fan veils may make an appearance if we’re looking into those during class time.
2. Hip Scarves
What belly dance class is complete without hipscarves? I always carry my own (obviously) but usually have a small supply of extras in case dancers forget or are new to class and have never owned one.

3. Personal Items
I usually have a small stash of things for me, like my footsies, a small towel, bottle of water (as everyone in class should), medical needs like bandaids, KT tape and painkillers and a notepad. These may seem rather mundane, but they’re an essential part of my kit as it helps me feel more comfortable should I need them during class.
4. Musical Accompaniment
What good would a dance class be without music – iPod or my phone and a backup speaker just in case the room we are in has issues. They say always come prepared and the two times I’ve not had my speaker or I forgot my phone, it was always difficult trying to have everything we needed for class. I also usually have hand santiser on me, or it is available in the studio we are in. I like to try to wipe down the main surfaces before we start class too, in addition to the additional cleaning many studios do currently.

5. Administrative Things
Getting to the end of the list here. The last items in my bag are my flyers, business cards and my card payment devices. This means no matter if you’re new and need a flyer or card to give a friend, or if you need to pay for this class or a future series, I’m ready to help you out.
The gorgeous pink bag in the pictures was lovelingly made by Isabel at Dancessence.
Classes are a lot of fun, not only for discovering what’s in my bag if there’s something we need but also because we play fun music and get to groove away together. Check out the classes below to see if there’s one near you that you can attend.